[Latest 2024] GTU ME Civil (Water Resource Engineering) Sem 1 Syllabus

GTU Latest 2024 Civil (Water Resource Engineering) Sem 1 Syllabus for all subjects pdfs download.

The GTU ME Civil (Water Resource Engineering) Syllabus for the year 2024 has been recently published by Gujarat Technical University (GTU), covering all semesters and subjects. This latest 2024 updated syllabus is essential for students as they prepare for their semester exams, providing them with a clear understanding of the topics to be covered and the distribution of marks for theory and practical exams.

GTU Civil (Water Resource Engineering) Syllabus Sem 1

L=lectures, T=tutorial, P=Practical, E=TheoryExternal, M=TheoryInternal, I=Practical Internal, V=Practical External, ESE – End Semester Examination, PA – Progressive Assessment
Effective From: 2024-25 -

Subject CodeSubject NameCreditsPapersCategoryTeaching SchemeExamination MarksTotal Marks
LTPTheory MarksPractical Marks
ESE (E)PA (M)PA (I)ESE Viva (V)
ME01033071Urban Water and Sewerage System4-Professional Elective - II30270302030150
ME01033061Coastal Engineering4-Professional Elective - II30270302030150
ME01033051Water Use Management4-Professional Elective - II30270302030150
ME01033041Data Analytics4-Professional Elective - I30270302030150
ME01033031Remote Sensing And Spatial Data Analysis4-Professional Elective - I30270302030150
ME01033021Numerical Methods In Civil Engineering4-Professional Elective - I30270302030150
ME01033018Advanced Hydraulics4-Professional Core Courses30270302030150
ME01033011Hydrology And Watershed Management4-Professional Core Courses30270302030150
ME01000021Technical Report Writing0-Mandatory Non-Credit Courses - Audit Course2005000050
ME01000011Research Methodology and IPR2-Mandatory Learning Course (Bridge Course)102002080100
Effective From: 2018-19 +

Subject CodeSubject NameCreditsPapersCategoryTeaching SchemeExamination MarksTotal Marks
LTPTheory MarksPractical Marks
ESE (E)PA (M)PA (I)ESE Viva (V)
3713306Water supply and drainage4Program Elective II30270302030150
3713305Hydropower engineering4Program Elective II30270302030150
3713304Remote sensing and its application4Program Elective II30270302030150
3713303Advanced fluid mechanics4Core II30270302030150
3713302Hydrology and watershed management4Core I30270302030150
3713301Numerical Methods for Civil Engineering4Program Elective I30270302030150
3710001Research Methodology and IPR2-MLC102002080100
3700002Disaster Management0Audit Course2005000050
3700001English for Research Paper Writing0Audit Course2005000050
Effective From: 2014-15 +

Subject CodeSubject NameCreditsPapersCategoryTeaching SchemeExamination MarksTotal Marks
LTPTheory MarksPractical Marks
ESE (E)PA (M)PA (I)ESE Viva (V)
2713306Water supply and drainage5Major Elective-I32270302030150
2713305Hydropower engineering5Major Elective-I32270302030150
2713304Remote sensing and its application5Major Elective-I32270302030150
2713303Advanced fluid mechanics5Core II32270302030150
2713302Hydrology and watershed management5Core I32270302030150
2713301Numerical Methods for Civil Engineering4Core (Application based Maths)32070302030150
2710001Research Skills2-Compulsory120002080100
Effective From: 2010-11 +

Subject CodeSubject NameCreditsPapersCategoryTeaching SchemeExamination MarksTotal Marks
LTPTheory MarksPractical Marks
ESE (E)PA (M)PA (I)ESE Viva (V)
711206NRemote Sensing and its applications3Major Elective I3007030200120
711205NHydro Power Engineering3Major Elective I3007030200120
711204NWater Resources Engineering4Institute Elective I32070302030150
711203NDesign of Hydraulic Structures5Compulsory42070302030150
711202NHydrology & Watershed Management5Compulsory40270302030150
711201NAdvanced Fluid Mechanics5Compulsory40270302030150
710001NCommunication and Research Skills3Compulsory2207030200120

GTU ME Civil (Water Resource Engineering) Syllabus

From the below table, students can download GTU Civil (Water Resource Engineering) Branch's other semester syllabus PDFs too. To download other semesters syllabus PDFs, click on any of the semesters from the below table.

No. GTU ME Civil (Water Resource Engineering) Syllabus PDFs
1. GTU ME Civil (Water Resource Engineering) Syllabus Sem 1
2. GTU ME Civil (Water Resource Engineering) Syllabus Sem 2
3. GTU ME Civil (Water Resource Engineering) Syllabus Sem 3
4. GTU ME Civil (Water Resource Engineering) Syllabus Sem 4


In conclusion, the GTU ME Civil (Water Resource Engineering) Syllabus for 2024 plays a vital role in guiding students at Gujarat Technical University towards academic success. By providing a comprehensive outline of the subjects, mark distribution, and learning objectives for each subject, the syllabus equips students with the necessary knowledge and understanding to excel in their exams.

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