[Latest 2025] GTU MBA MBA Sem 1 Syllabus

GTU Latest 2025 MBA Sem 1 Syllabus for all subjects pdfs download.

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The GTU MBA MBA Syllabus for the year 2025 has been recently published by Gujarat Technical University (GTU), covering all semesters and subjects. This latest 2025 updated syllabus is essential for students as they prepare for their semester exams, providing them with a clear understanding of the topics to be covered and the distribution of marks for theory and practical exams.

GTU MBA Syllabus Sem 1

L=lectures, T=tutorial, P=Practical, E=TheoryExternal, M=TheoryInternal, I=Practical Internal, V=Practical External, ESE – End Semester Examination, PA – Progressive Assessment
Effective From: 2024-25 -

Subject CodeSubject NameCreditsPapersCategoryTeaching SchemeExamination MarksTotal Marks
LTPTheory MarksPractical Marks
ESE (E)PA (M)PA (I)ESE Viva (V)
MB01092041Business Statistics4-Core Courses3107030500150
MB01092031Information Systems and Analytics for Management Decision MakingÂ4-Core Courses3107030500150
MB01092021Economics for Managers4-Core Courses3107030500150
MB01092011Management Accounting4-Core Courses3107030500150
MB01000021Indian Knowledge Systems2-Indian Knowledge System(IKS)2005030200100
MB01000011Essentials of Organisational Behaviour4-Core Courses3107030500150
Effective From: 2018-19 +

Subject CodeSubject NameCreditsPapersCategoryTeaching SchemeExamination MarksTotal Marks
LTPTheory MarksPractical Marks
ESE (E)PA (M)PA (I)ESE Viva (V)
4519208Developing Contributory Skills - I0Compulsory Subject2005000050
4519207Business Statistics4Compulsory Subject4007030500150
4519206Management Information Systems4Compulsory Subject4007030500150
4519205Business Ethics & Corporate Governance4Compulsory Subject4007030500150
4519204Organizational Behaviour4Compulsory Subject4007030500150
4519203Managerial Communication4Compulsory Subject4007030500150
4519202Economics for Manager4Compulsory Subject4007030500150
4519201Management Accounting4Compulsory Subject4007030500150
Effective From: 2017-18 +

Subject CodeSubject NameCreditsPapersCategoryTeaching SchemeExamination MarksTotal Marks
LTPTheory MarksPractical Marks
ESE (E)PA (M)PA (I)ESE Viva (V)
-810007Quantitative Analysis3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
-810006Principles of Management3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
-810005Organizational Behaviour3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
-810004Managerial Communication3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
-810003Management Information Systems3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
-810002Economics for Managers3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
-810001Accounting for Managers3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
3519208Management Information System3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
3519207Business Statistics3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
3519206Fundamentals of Marketing3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
3519205Business Structure & Management3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
3519204Organizational Behavior3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
3519203Managerial Communication3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
3519202Economics for Manager3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
3519201Accounting for Manager3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
3519200Skill Enhancement Course3-Compulsory Subject0030045105150
Effective From: Jul-2013 +

Subject CodeSubject NameCreditsPapersCategoryTeaching SchemeExamination MarksTotal Marks
LTPTheory MarksPractical Marks
ESE (E)PA (M)PA (I)ESE Viva (V)
2810007Quantitative Analysis - I3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
2810006Research Methodology3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
2810005Principles of Management3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
2810004Organizational Behaviour3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
2810003Managerial Communication3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
2810002Economics for Managers3Compulsory Subject3007030500150
2810001Accounting for Managers3Compulsory Subject3007030500150

GTU MBA MBA Syllabus

From the below table, students can download GTU MBA Branch's other semester syllabus PDFs too. To download other semesters syllabus PDFs, click on any of the semesters from the below table.

No. GTU MBA MBA Syllabus PDFs
1. GTU MBA MBA Syllabus Sem 1
2. GTU MBA MBA Syllabus Sem 2
3. GTU MBA MBA Syllabus Sem 3
4. GTU MBA MBA Syllabus Sem 4


In conclusion, the GTU MBA MBA Syllabus for 2025 plays a vital role in guiding students at Gujarat Technical University towards academic success. By providing a comprehensive outline of the subjects, mark distribution, and learning objectives for each subject, the syllabus equips students with the necessary knowledge and understanding to excel in their exams.

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